ko1716. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gute Partien in Zeichnung und Kolorit.without place. without year. Der Akademie Der Künste. 343 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 30x21 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
ko1723. book/art/fine art put into the basket Fortbildung von Lehrern aller Schularten im Bereich graphischer Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten Ein Modellversuch.Stuttgart. 1986. Edition Cantz. 326 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x23 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko2176. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kondrad Haemmerling: Wm Hogarth.Dresden. 1962. Sachsenverlag. 153 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 25x23 cm. price: 1.54 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány. Kopott. |
ko3494. book/art/fine art put into the basket Fenyő Iván: Dürer 1471-1528.Budapest. 1964. Képzőművészeti Alap. 32 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x13 cm. price: 0.77 EURO50 t. illusztráció. |
ko4439. book/art/fine art put into the basket Rácz István: A vikingek öröksége.Budapest. 1983. Képzőművészeti. 44 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 2.31 EURO16 t. színes és 179 t. fekete-fehér illusztráció. |
ko6642. book/art/fine art put into the basket Tasnádi Attila: Cs. Kovács László.Budapest. 1985. Képzőművészeti. 62 p. dedicated. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
ko6971. book/art/fine art put into the basket Farkas Zoltán: Paál László.Budapest. 1954. Képzőművészeti. 61 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x21 cm. shabby. price: 1.28 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány. |
ko7477. book/art/fine art put into the basket Sweet Frederick: JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER.Chicago. 1968. M.W.P.I. 131 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 25x18 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EUROJames McNeill Whistler
American Tonalist Painter and Printmaker, 1834-1903. |
ko7484. book/art/fine art put into the basket John Rothenstein: EDWARD BURRA.London. 1973. Tate Gallery. 100 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 21x21 cm. price: 2.31 EUROEdward Burra
(29 March 1905 – 22 October 1976) was an English painter,. |
ko8700. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kurth, Julius: DER JAPANISCHE HOLZSCHNITT.München. 1921. Piper. 172 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
ko9182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Vallier, Dora: HENRI ROUSSEAU.Vaduz. 1990. Bonfini Press. 95 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.33 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9183. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gauthier Maximilien Von: RENOIR.München. 1977. Südwest. 93 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.28 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9184. book/art/fine art put into the basket Diehl, Gaston: F. LÉGER.without place. 1985. Crown. 96 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9185. book/art/fine art put into the basket Huyghe, Von René: VAN GOGH.München. without year. Südwest. 94 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor and black and white pictures. |
ko9188. book/art/fine art put into the basket Heller Nancy G: KÜNSTLERINNEN VON DER RENAISSANCE BIS ZUR GEGENWART.Köln. 1989. VGS. 224 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 29x26 cm. price: 4.1 EUROcolor and black and white pictures. |
ko9197. book/art/fine art put into the basket Szíj Rezső: Z. Soós István művészete.Budapest. 1982. KT. 227 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x23 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9202. book/art/fine art put into the basket LUCAS CRANACH.Leningrad. 1976. Aurora. 38 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 32x23 cm. price: 1.03 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9226. book/art/fine art put into the basket Tiziano.Budapest. 1984. Corvina. 34 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9227. book/art/fine art put into the basket Nicolas Poussin.Budapest. 1985. Corvina. 38 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9231. book/art/fine art put into the basket National Gallery.Budapest. 1988. Corvina. 108 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko9245. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lecaldano, Paolo: GOYA. DIE SCHRECKEN DES KRIEGES.München. 1976. List Verlag. 239 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9250. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bilzer-Eyssen-Stelzer: DAS GROSSE BUCH DER KUNST.Braunschweig. 1960. Westermann. 584 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9252. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mavrodin, Irina: POUSSIN.Bukarest. 1981. Meridiane. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9254. book/art/fine art put into the basket Schileru, Eugen: DER IMRESSIONISMUS.Bucuresti. 1978. Meridiane. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9269. book/art/fine art put into the basket Székely András: SPANISH PAINTING.Budapest. 1989. Corvina. 79 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 24x21 cm. price: 0.77 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9275. book/art/fine art put into the basket Dali.Milano. without year. Master International. 91 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.54 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9278. book/art/fine art put into the basket Levey Michael: A festészet rövid története.Budapest. 1974. Corvina. 324 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 22x15 cm. shabby. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko9280. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lajta Edit: Korai francia festészet.Budapest. 1973. Corvina. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x21 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9281. book/art/fine art put into the basket Giuseppe De Logu-Mario Abis: A velencei festészet fénykora.Budapest. 1975. Corvina. 103 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x21 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9299. book/art/fine art put into the basket Boskovits Miklós: Botticelli.Budapest. 1963. Képzőművészeti. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x23 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9311. book/art/fine art put into the basket Crispolti, Enrico: IL SURREALISMO.Milano. 1969. Fratelli Fabbri. 100 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Italian language.size: 30x24 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9312. book/art/fine art put into the basket Ragon, Michel: L'EXPRESSIONNISME.Lausanne. 1966. Rencontre. 207 p. boarding. French language.size: 27x17 cm. price: 1.28 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9314. book/art/fine art put into the basket Foerster, Rolf Hellmut: DIE WELT DES BAROCK.München-Wien-Basel. 1970. Kurt Desch. 367 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x18 cm. price: 2.31 EUROA védőborító szakadt. |
ko9379. book/art/fine art put into the basket KONRAD WITZ.Milano. 1965. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
84. |
ko9385. book/art/fine art put into the basket Parmigianino.Milano. 1964. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
24. |
ko9393. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bruegel.Milano. 1963. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 1.54 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
11 A borítón apró sérülés. |
ko9396. book/art/fine art put into the basket Longhi.Milano. 1964. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
21. |
ko9401. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bramantino.Milano. 1965. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
81. |
ko9453. book/art/fine art put into the basket A korai középkor.Budapest. 1995. Corvina. 315 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 7.69 EUROA Művészet története. |
ko9669. book/art/fine art put into the basket James Enson.Zürich. 1983. Kunsthaus. 372 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x24 cm. price: 6.15 EURO |
ko9670. book/art/fine art put into the basket Klindenger: GOYA UND DIE DEMOKRATISCHE TRADITION SPANIENS.Berlin. 1971. Henschelverlag. 357 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko10181. book/art/fine art put into the basket Terrasse, Antoine: EDGAR DEGAS.München. 1973. Schuler. 94 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Hautecoeur, Louis: GEORGES SEURAT.München. 1974. Schuler. 94 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10804. book/art/fine art put into the basket Rózsa György: A Történelmi Képcsarnok legszebb festményei.Budapest. 1977. M. Helikon-Corvina. 36 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 26x19 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko10808. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lexikon der modernen Plastik.München-Zürich. 1964. Knaur. 375 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko11310. book/art/fine art put into the basket Die Sammlungen des Künigsschlosses auf dem Wawel.Warsaw. 1975. Arkady. 430 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko11312. book/art/fine art put into the basket Raffaello festői életműve.Budapest. 1983. Corvina. 132 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 1.28 EUROA művészet klasszikusai. |
ko11799. book/art/fine art put into the basket Moszynska, Anna: ABSTRACT ART. WITH 162 ILLUSTRATIONS, 25 IN COLOUR.London. 1993. Thames & Hudson. 240 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko12258. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kugler, Georg J. (szerkesztő): Kunsthistorisches Museum. Bécs.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 160 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko12626. book/art/fine art put into the basket Honnef, Klaus: Andy Warhol. 1928-1987. Tucatáruból műalkotás.Budapest. 1994. Kulturtrade. 95 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |