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engraving/Ex libris/German

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me6507.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Voigt, Otto 1870-1961: Ex libris Hans Hoppe.

without year. .
size: 10x6 cm.
page: 13x9 cm.

price: 900 FORINT

Felragasztás nyoma.
Voigt, Otto 1870-1961: Ex libris Hans Hoppe

me6508.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Ex libris Friedrich König.

without year. .
size: 7x4 cm.
page: 8x5 cm.

price: 1500 FORINT

Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Ex libris Friedrich König

me6509.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Dies Buch gehört Karl Biese.

without year. .
size: 9x6 cm.
page: 10x7 cm.

price: 1500 FORINT

Felragasztás nyoma.
Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Dies Buch gehört Karl Biese

me6510.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Schmidt, Botho Robert 1886-1944: Ex libris Conte Budan.

without year. .
size: 9x6 cm.
page: 13x9 cm.

price: 1200 FORINT

Hátlap foltos.
Schmidt, Botho Robert 1886-1944: Ex libris Conte Budan

me6511.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ritter: Ex libris ladislau Ábrahám.

1920. .
size: 9x7 cm.
page: 12x9 cm.

price: 1500 FORINT

Ritter: Ex libris ladislau Ábrahám

me6512.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Aus der Buecherei Schlegelmilch.

without year. .
size: 10x8 cm.
page: 13x11 cm.

price: 800 FORINT

Aus der Buecherei Schlegelmilch

me6513.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ex libris Otto und Maria Schmallenberger.

1912. .
size: 9x7 cm.

price: 900 FORINT

Ex libris Otto und Maria Schmallenberger

me6514.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ex libris Kurt Freudenthal.

without year. .
size: 8x6 cm.
page: 9x7 cm.

price: 900 FORINT

Ex libris Kurt Freudenthal

me6515.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Struck, Hermann 1876-1944: Ex libris Dr. Egmont Muenzer.

1901. .
size: 11x8 cm.
page: 15x10 cm.

price: 2400 FORINT

Struck, Hermann 1876-1944: Ex libris Dr. Egmont Muenzer

me6516.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Meid, Hans 1883-1957: Ex libris Teod(or) Röhmeyer.

1900. .
size: 8x6 cm.
page: 10x8 cm.

price: 2000 FORINT

Felragasztás nyoma.
Meid, Hans 1883-1957: Ex libris Teod(or) Röhmeyer

me6517.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Broel, Georg (1884-1940): Ex libris D. Fels.

1910. .
size: 9x7 cm.
page: 11x8 cm.

price: 1800 FORINT

Broel, Georg (1884-1940): Ex libris D. Fels

me6518.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Ex libris Louis Ring.

without year. .
size: 10x7 cm.
page: 12x10 cm.

price: 1500 FORINT

Wenig, Bernhard 1871-1940: Ex libris Louis Ring

me6519.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Pankok, Bernhard 1872-1943: Ex libris F. A. O. Krüger.

1899. wood engraving.
size: 11x7 cm.

price: 3600 FORINT

Pankok, Bernhard 1872-1943: Ex libris F. A. O. Krüger

me6520.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Pankok, Bernhard 1872-1943: Ex libris Hooft.

without year. .
size: 4x4 cm.
page: 7x5 cm.

price: 2000 FORINT

Pankok, Bernhard 1872-1943: Ex libris Hooft

me6521.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

?: Das Schloss.

without year. Etching.
size: 9x6 cm.
page: 16x12 cm.

price: 1800 FORINT

?: Das Schloss

me6522.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Meid, Hans 1883-1957: Ex libris Arnold Ebel.

without year. .
size: 8x8 cm.
page: 11x10 cm.

price: 1200 FORINT

Meid, Hans 1883-1957: Ex libris Arnold Ebel

me6523.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Kunst, Adolf 1882 - 1937: Ex libris Ernst Bauer.

1911. .
size: 11x6 cm.
page: 13x8 cm.

price: 1500 FORINT

Kunst, Adolf 1882 - 1937: Ex libris Ernst Bauer

me6524.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Richter, Hans Theo: Stehende Frau, ein Kind nach links ziehend.

1959. .
size: 6x7 cm.
page: 12x10 cm.

price: 4500 FORINT

Richter, Hans Theo: Stehende Frau, ein Kind nach links ziehend

me6525.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Eichler, Viktor 1897-1969: Ex libris Emil u. Johann.......?.

without year. .
size: 7x4 cm.
page: 11x7 cm.

price: 900 FORINT

Eichler, Viktor 1897-1969: Ex libris Emil u. Johann.......?

me6527.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ex libris Rudolf und Ella Bleistein.

without year. .
size: 7x6 cm.
page: 10x9 cm.

price: 900 FORINT

Ex libris Rudolf und Ella Bleistein

me6528.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ex libris Johann Nassau.

without year. Etching.
size: 11x8 cm.
page: 14x10 cm.

price: 4500 FORINT

Ex libris Johann Nassau

me6529.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Geiger, Willy 1878-1971: Ex libris Josefine Lechner.

München. 1903. .
size: 11x11 cm.

price: 4000 FORINT

Geiger, Willy 1878-1971: Ex libris Josefine Lechner

me6530.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Ex libris Erich Dorschfeldt.

without year. Etching.
size: 9x9 cm.
page: 11x11 cm.

price: 3600 FORINT

Ex libris Erich Dorschfeldt

me6531.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Uhl, Hans 1897-1939: Ein Junge.

1932. Etching.
size: 14x7 cm.
page: 26x16 cm.

price: 12000 FORINT

Hand signed.
Uhl, Hans 1897-1939: Ein Junge

me6532.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Schubert, Otto 1892-1970: Ex libris Erich Dorschfeldt.

without year. Etching.
size: 17x10 cm.
page: 25x17 cm.
stained outside the picture.

price: 12000 FORINT

Hand signed.
Schubert, Otto 1892-1970: Ex libris Erich Dorschfeldt

me6533.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Poppe, George 1883-1963: Ex libris Dr. Georg Burchard.

1905. .
size: 14x9 cm.
page: 17x12 cm.

price: 5000 FORINT

Poppe, George 1883-1963: Ex libris Dr. Georg Burchard

me6534.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Gehrts, Johannes 1855-1921: Ex libris Lorenz Meyer.

1895. Etching.
size: 12x8 cm.
page: 20x15 cm.

price: 9000 FORINT

Gehrts, Johannes 1855-1921: Ex libris Lorenz Meyer

me6535.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Zimmerman, Enst: Alfred Zimmermann.

1908. Etching.
size: 12x9 cm.
page: 27x21 cm.

price: 3600 FORINT

Zimmerman, Enst: Alfred Zimmermann

me6536.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Hollenberg, Felix 1868-1945: Ex libris Otto Oppenheinmer.

1910. Etching.
size: 9x9 cm.
page: 23x20 cm.

price: 12000 FORINT

Hollenberg, Felix 1868-1945: Ex libris Otto Oppenheinmer
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